Истражувачко Друштво
На Студенти Биолози

Истражувачко Друштво
На Студенти Биолози

За нас

Истражувачкото друштво на студенти биолози (ИДСБ) е студентска истражувачка организација основана во 1995 година. Се започна како прогресивна идеја предизвикана од желбата за истражување на студентите по биологија на Природно-математичкиот факутелте во Скопје. ИДСБ низ годините прерасна во една од најстарите младински организации во земјата денес. Покрај тоа, таа претставува една од ретките младинско-истражувачки организации во Македонија со континуирана работа повеќе од 25 години. Многу генерации учествуваа и оставија трага пренесувајќи ја страста за биологијата на идните генерации.

Најнови објави

Јабланица за Национален парк

Голема истражувачка акција - Јабланица 2024

Трета еднодневна истражувачка акција - 2024

Тридневна истражувачка акција

Стани истражувач Vol. 2: Како се пишува труд

Втора еднодневна истражувачка акција 2024

Цели на друштвото

The three core goals of the Society are: Education, Research and Publication

In order to promote knowledge, the Society educates its members and the public in biology-related topics. This is accomplished by different activities around the year such as organizing courses, classes, and events that help students to improve their skills. Some of these events are open to the broader public. Gaining theoretical knowledge is followed by doing practical work. Regarding this, the Society organizes activities such as field expeditions and excursions. In this way, young biologists are trained for different field methodologies, but also have an opportunity to contribute to the knowledge of Macedonia’s biodiversity. Last but not least, the Society offers a place for students to experience by learning and practicing, writing of scientific articles. This is possible thanks to the Bulletin of the Biology Students’ Research Society tha t is being published once in a few years. This closes the circle in the process of professional growth of one biologist during their undergraduate studies. Students get educated and get to promote knowledge (promote biology in this regard), as well as an opportunity to collect biological material on the field. Finally, they have an opportunity to learn alongside mentors on how to write and have a place to promote their results . This system overcomes the limits of formal education and develops more skillful biologists in general. Also, represents a positive example for the great cooperation with other parties (professors, assistants, other organizations, supporters) as well as for strong teamwork among students themselves. Society’s working structure consists of many sections that are fully or partially functioning (entomology, algology, floristic, landscape ecology, mycology, ornithology, arachnology, mammology, macrozoobenthos, and others.). Each section has a different study focus and is led by a more experienced member (professor, assistant, expert) who has a mentoring role. Biological materials collected from field activities and are being proceeded, labeled and sorted at the Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje.